January 22, 2025

Accreditation & Certifications

NAPA AutoCare Center

We’re also a NAPA Auto Care Center, meaning it meets the rigorous standards of the NAPA AutoCare Program.

Our certified mechanics must meet strict requirements, demonstrating proven experience, an ability to keep up with changing technology, and a complete commitment to quality.

Technicians who have invested the time and expense to earn certification show remarkable service ability. This is a sign of high standards and quality, that which you can find at our auto repair shop.

ASE Certified Technicians

ASE certification is actually the only industry-wide national certification program for master technicians. It means our auto shop houses certificated mechanicsĀ have taken specialty exams (brakes, suspension, engine repair, steering, etc.). Tests are conducted twice a year.

The exams are real-world testing, not theoretical exams (they don’t sit down and take a paper test). 33% do not pass. We did.