March 29, 2025

In-House Paint Mixing System

Paint Mixing System-BASF

On-site auto paint-mixing saves you time and real money!

You save time and money, and get a perfect auto paint match to boot.

Most auto paint repair shops don’t have it. But auto touch up to full car painting our In-House paint mixing systems saves you time and money. How?

What is the benefit to you?

You’ll get a perfect match. Mixing car paint on-site allows us to ‘tweak’ the color to just right. No send-backs and waiting. Leaving you with perfectly matched car paint and panels.

Any car matched, regardless of condition. Even if your car is faded or oxidized, we can match it. And even after additional oxidation occurs to both old and new paint, there is no mismatching.

lesonal_familyWe’ll mix only what you need. We don’t waste paint, because we can make the perfect amount. Most shops that don’t have the auto paint mixing system, they will call the local paint shop and must get a ‘pint’ of paint, instead of getting fractions. In some cases, that’s $200 and more! In most cases, we cut the cost by 75% of auto painting costs.

Most Shops don’t have an on-site paint mixing system, and have to…

  • Send out for paint after you arrive
  • Wait until the next day to get it
  • Hopefully spray the right color

Because we have in-house paint mixing we can…

  • Match color exactly
  • Match color faster
  • Create smaller batches of paint – better for environment, less expensive for you
  • Match any vehicle, regardless of oxidation or condition
  • Create custom colors on the fly

Get The Ultimate 11-POINT Visual Safety Inspection FREE with any paint job we do for you.

Less time for you. Since our paint mixing system is on-site, we don’t have to send out for an automative paint, then get it back, then send it out again if it doesn’t match perfectly. We can ensure the paint is the right color, immediately.

logo_basf2This is especially important for older cars, even under 2 years old, as oxidation has already set in (and the color is not factory spec anymore).

Even more benefits – oxidation removal and custom colors.

LogoSikkensDid you know we can create custom colors? If you are getting a full paint job, not just a fender-bender repair, we can work with you to make your dreams come true.

Stand side-by-side with Lew and see for yourself what type of color you’re getting. “Can I have a little bit more pearl or flake?”

Lesonal_logo_150Remove auto oxidation for an even better color. Why not get your car back even better than when you brought it in? We can clean the oxidation of your entire car, before we match the paint. We’ll wet-sand the entire car (which does not destroy the existing paint job) and compound (liquid put on the vehicle and orbitally buffed to bring out the shine). Price varies per car but is reasonable in cost – call for pricing!

Watch this video.

Watch this video to know the true value of the in-house paint mixing system.

We also perform other types of collision repair

  • Body Work – we’ll visually inspect the rest of the car for ‘quick fixes’ – FREE
  • Chassis Repair – most shops don’t perform it
  • Minor Dings – it’s not as expensive as you think!