February 23, 2025

Local Businesses We Use…

Local Businesses We Use…

We love and use these local businesses. We’re a local business. We understand that using local businesses means helping our local economy.

Taxi Services.

Maffei’s Taxi Services?
We use Maffei’s because they are fast to get here, and get our customers to their destination quickly and efficiently. The taxis are clean, the don’t smell of smoke, and they drivers are friendly.

2 Glen Hill Road
Danbury, CT 06811-4906
(203) 792-0029


Enterprise Rental Car
Inexpensive, fast service, and great with customers. Like all franchise, the service differs from franchise to franchise. We’re just lucky to have a great owner on the Bethel-Danbury Enterprise.

9 South Street
Danbury, CT 06825
(203) 797-9505


All of the restaurants we feature will deliver to our shop.

They’re close, great service, great food, delivery service if needed. Wide selection of food, too (mostly Italian). Rated #1 in Italian restaurants for Danbury. We know they so well that they’ll come and pick you up from our shop if you want the full ‘sit down’ experience.

It’s a sports bar, also close, food’s good, you can watch TV if you go for the sit-down. Friendly atmosphere.

Hot dog and burger restaurant. Family atmosphere, good food served quickly.


The finest in Signs & Truck Lettering Since 1973

Economy Signs: Western Connecticut’s Premier Source for Signs, Truck Lettering and Race Car Graphics Since 1973.

Auto Services

Custom Interior & Audio: We use Custom Interiors for fast turnaround and great jobs on upholstery damage and full interior jobs.


Street Lights L.E.D: We design our light systems for each individual vehicle. In this way each one will be slightly different. One may have a few more leds than another but they will be equally bright

Jasper’s Engine & Transmission

Jerry’s Transmission





Dings in Litchfield

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